Natalie Peters


Sky Society

Lives In

Austin, TX


Reading, Trying new workout classes, painting, cooking



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Give yourself grace. It's scary, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. The reward is immense – you get to build something from the ground up — something that makes a tangible difference in people's lives.

What is your favorite podcast on your series ‘Marketing Girly’?

One of my favorite episodes I've done is "How to Make Your Dream Job Your Real Job" with Christine Ferris, former Director of Marketing at TrueFood Kitchen. This episode always stuck with me because Christine shared her story of making her dream job a reality which is what so many of us are currently seeking.

What is your favorite memory from an event?

This would have to be from our first networking event in Austin. I didn’t know how many women identified with the title “Marketing Girly” and were looking to connect with other women in marketing. My favorite memory was walking around and hearing that the girls who met at the event were already making plans to meet up after. That’s when I knew that this community was special.

What’s your mantra?

“Just because it’s been done, doesn’t mean it should be done.” I’m constantly reminding myself of that when I’m approaching solving problems, building new products, or coming up with marketing ideas. Especially in an age where online comparison is so easy, it's crucial to remember not to confine yourself to others' standards. You have the power to create your own.

What’s your favorite place to Planoly?

At home!

What is your favorite podcast on your series ‘Marketing Girly’?

One of my favorite episodes I've done is "How to Make Your Dream Job Your Real Job" with Christine Ferris, former Director of Marketing at TrueFood Kitchen. This episode always stuck with me because Christine shared her story of making her dream job a reality which is what so many of us are currently seeking.

Why I Planoly...

Imagine you're a college student with a marketing degree, eager to dive into the exciting world of brands and campaigns. But the internship hunt feels like navigating a minefield. You experience an endless cycle of submitting applications, opening rejection emails, and starting the process over again. The whole experience leaves you wondering – is there a better way to bridge the gap between the classroom and real-world marketing? 

Natalie Peters, the founder of Sky Society, experienced this challenge firsthand.  During college, she worked tirelessly to secure internships — trying to piece together the skills needed to succeed after graduating. While the experiences were valuable, they were often unpaid and competitive to obtain, and she knew there had to be a more efficient way to gain the practical skills employers look for. 

The mission of Sky Society is as clear as its name: helping women launch fulfilling careers in marketing. Inspired by her own career struggles, Sky Society’s Accelerator Program was designed as a fast-track program for women wanting to break into marketing and address the gaps in experience standing between them and a job offer.

The company now helps hundreds of women achieve career success in a range of industries. Initially focused on recent graduates, Sky Society has expanded its support to current college students, women without college degrees, and those with advanced degrees. For the first two years, the company’s only clients were recent college graduates struggling to land their first marketing job!

In an age where online comparison is so easy, it's crucial to remember not to confine yourself to others' standards. You have the power to create your own.

Leveling the playing field

Sky Society's impact is undeniable. One particularly inspiring story involves a recent graduate who, despite having only a high school diploma, secured a full-time marketing position after completing the Accelerator Program. This success underscores Sky Society's core belief that a marketing career shouldn't be gated by expensive degrees.

The success of this program hinges on Sky Society’s commitment to evolving the curriculum to stay ahead in the ever-changing marketing landscape. Natalie emphasizes the importance of continuously updating the program to reflect industry trends and student feedback. 

The heart of Sky Society is its supportive community—a community Natalie craved during her college years. This spirit is exemplified in the "Marketing Girly" podcast, where she interviews CMOs and marketing leaders, offering aspiring marketers a chance to see themselves represented in leadership positions. She also has a private LinkedIn group to connect female marketers that has over 13k members.

Ready to take the leap?

But launching and growing a business is no easy feat. There's financial uncertainty, constant pressure to adapt, and the fear of failure. Natalie underscores the importance of starting small and learning every aspect of the business yourself before scaling up. "You need to know how to do it all first," she says. This self-reliance provides greater control and flexibility, laying a solid foundation for future growth. Her unwavering belief in Sky Society's mission keeps her motivated through the challenges of running a business.

"Give yourself grace," she advises other women founders.  "It's scary, but nothing worthwhile comes easy."  However, the reward is immense – you get to build something from the ground up — something that makes a tangible difference in people's lives.

Under Natalie's leadership, Sky Society is proving that a well-designed program coupled with a supportive community can be a powerful launchpad for women in marketing. As Natalie and her company continue to soar, one thing is certain: the future of marketing looks bright, especially for women ready to take flight.

Natalie Peters

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